He is the craftsman I sale best the tiles, what he does is very original and very well done. Plus the choice he has is phenomenal. As you can see he is specialized in the old style of Spanish ceramic tiles. The interesting thing is that he hand makes the tiles the old way, so that are totally irregular, which gives is a great aspect, and they really look old. Everybody else uses the industrial style tiles to paint them. The simple tiles you buy for kitchens and bathrooms. I like to insist that these tiles are irregular, the border as not total strait, they are not total flat, and the painting is as if they where old, in other words irregular. And all that makes them look unique and special. These tiles besides being irregular they are also a little thicker, about 1 centimeter, about double of an industrial tile. I like to say this, as if you where to set them in a wall with industrial tiles, they would stick out a little, OK. About the designs, I like to say they are all copies from old designs, and they are very accurate and good about reproducing them. You can have any size you want made. If you have a certain place you would like to fill up just calculate how many 13x13 tiles you need and multiple by 9.75 Euros and you will have the price. Also please go into this web page: or write to us: OUR E-MAIL |